
There Is Such Thing as Beginner's Luck

Ever heard of beginner's luck? That's what player H.P. had heaps of recently when he won close to $13,000 playing a mere $0.25 bet at Zodiac Casino.

New to the Game

H.P. was a new player at Zodiac Casino. In fact, he had only signed up for his account 16 days before he hit the jackpot and he had only been playing with the 80 free spins that he was given by us as a welcome bonus.

However, about 15 minutes into his first round of playing for the day, he decided to make a $0.25 bet -- and that was the one that hit big. From that small sum, H.P. was awarded $12,830 , which is about 51,320 times what he invested!

It Takes Two

While he was playing on that lucky day, H.P.'s girlfriend happened to be watching over his shoulder. So, because it seemed like she might be a good luck charm for him, H.P. acknowledged that she, too, deserved a piece of the prize. H.P. decided that he would first take her out to a delicious dinner. Then, he would use the remaining winnings to plan a romantic vacation for the two of them to enjoy together.

Winning on the Web

In an interview with Casinos Rewards, H.P. explained his experience winning at Zodiac Casino, saying, I wasn't even playing for 15 minutes yet so I was really surprised when the jackpot game came up. I felt great! He also gave some advice for other players who are looking to win big online. He said. Always keep playing, even if your funds are low, it could pay off. Zodiac Casino is the best casino ever.

We see many people like H.P. at our casinos, that hit a nice jackpot like this when they least expected it. It shows that it really can happen to anyone at any time, and you do not have to play big bets to win big jackpots either.

Let us know -- if you ended up winning big at one of our online casinos, how would you spend your earnings? Would you take a trip? Buy a car? Invest it? We love to know more about how our winners get to use and enjoy their prizes.